Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am until 4:00 pm
Closed for Training:
- Wednesdays: 12pm until 4pm
- Every 3rd Friday of the month, Training Days, Family Days, and all Federal Holidays
View Hours
Supporting Our Community Through Military & Family Readiness
The Military & Family Readiness Center provides Airmen and their family members support services to enhance mission readiness, resiliency and the well-being of the Air Force Community. To accomplish this mission, they offer a variety of educational programs and services, open to all Total Force military personnel – active duty, reservists, guardsmen, DoD civilians, and their families. The core activities include crisis assistance for immediate short-term support, identification of trends and issues affecting the quality of life, leadership consultations, and readiness in all aspects of life. Please see below for more information on the services offered.
Services Offered
Events Calendar
Click to view the monthly events calendar
Emergency Travel
All emergency travel financial assistance required due to serious illness/death of an immediate family member, grandparent or other family relationship will be processed through the American Red Cross (ARC). Please contact the ARC at 1.877.272.7337 for immediate assistance.
Air Force Aid Society
Click here for more information on AFAS, and to submit an AFAS application
M&FRC Appointments
Click here to schedule your Capstone Appointment
Click here to schedule your Welcome Center Appointment
For other appointment types, please contact the M&FRC at 318.456.8400.
Wounded Warrior
Air Force Wounded Warrior – The AFW2 program works together with the Air Force Survivor Assistance Program, Military & Family Readiness Centers and the Air Force Medical Service to provide concentrated non-medical care and support for seriously or very seriously wounded, ill, and injured Airmen, Guardians, Caregivers and their families as they recover and transition back to duty or into civilian life.
Click here to learn more about the Air Force Wounded Warrior program
Air Force Families Forever
Air Force Families Forever links families of fallen Airmen and Guardians to their Air and Space Force Family promoting Survivor resilience, fostering well-being and connectedness.
Click here to learn more about the AFFF program.
Exceptional Family Member Program
The Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Support (EFMP-FS) provides family support services to special needs families by helping them identify and access programs and services. EFMP-FS provides services that includes, but is not limited to, the following: on-and-off base information and referral, education and outreach, support groups, events, relocation services, financial management, and warm handoffs to the EFMP-FS at the next location.
Click here to learn more about the EFMP program.
Personal and Work Life Program
The Personal and Work Life Program (PW&L) increases effectiveness through everyday living skills, teaches participants to cope with life events and helps them realize their personal potential, resulting in increased quality of life and resilience for military members and their families. P&WL activities are educational in nature and offered in group or individual settings.
A variety of topics provides customers with the most current, relevant, and accurate information. Topics provided are suggestions, not requirements, and cover topics, such as interpersonal communication skills, relationship building, maintaining long-distance relationships during deployment and other separations.
Call 456.8400, or email us at 2bw.afrc@us.af.mil to learn more about P&WL.
Employment Assistance Program
Click here for more information regarding the Employment Assistant Program (EAP) services offered at Barksdale Air Force Base’s Military & Family Readiness Center.
Military Life Family Counseling
Military Life Family Counseling – Our center is staffed with a Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) who provides short-term solution-based counseling to service members and their families. We offer non-medical counseling in the following areas: anger management, communication, relationship issues, conflict resolution, parenting, decision making skills, deployment stress, coping skills, home sickness, relocation adjustment, reintegration, separation, building resiliency and grief/loss.
Services are private excepting duty-to-warn situations.
Click here for more information regarding the MFLC program.
Commanders Key Support Program
Commanders Key Support Program – Key Support Liaisons are appointed by the Unit Commander to serve as a vital communication link between the unit and its families. Key Support Liaisons serve as a peer-to-peer support system and provide information and referral assistance to other family members. Being a Key Support Liaison provides an excellent opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of Barksdale families. Those interested in volunteering as a Key Support Liaison should contact their First Sergeant or Commander.
Call or visit the MFRC for more information regarding the Commanders Key Support Program and training dates.
- Key Support Initial Training
- Key Support Refresher Training
- Key Support Mentor Training
- Continuing Education Training
Mandatory Annual Training
- Suicide Awareness Training
- Sexual Assault Prevention (SAPR)
Personal Financial Readiness
Personal Financial Readiness – The goal of PFR is to provide financial counseling and education that equips service members and their families with the information needed to address their current personal financial situations, maximize their financial resources and effectively handle any financial challenges that may arise throughout the military life cycle.
More resources are available at the links below:
Deployments & Family Readiness
Pre-Deployment & Remote Tour: Every 1st & 3rd Tues @ 09:00 AM
Post-Deployment: Every Wednesday at 9:30 AM
Register Here – All deploying members are required to attend a briefing.
Spouses are welcome to attend ALL briefings. Unit/special briefings are available upon UDM request. No briefings are conducted on Holidays/Family Days.
Our Briefings Build Readiness & Resiliency
The Cycle of Deployment Personal & Financial
Preparations Communication and Coping Strategies
Family and Parenting Considerations Roles & Responsibilities
Resources and Support Systems
Return and Reunion Preparations
Red Cross Notification
Transition Assistance Program
The goal of the Transition Assistance Program is to provide information, tools and training to ensure service members and their spouses are prepared for the next step in civilian life; whether pursuing additional education, finding a career or starting their own business.
Click here for more information about the TAP.
Relocation Assistance Program
Relocation Assistance Program – Whether you have a CONUS or an OCONUS assignment, our Relocation Program Team is here to assist you through your upcoming move.
VA Benefits
Our VA Benefits Consultant provides one-on-one assistance about VA benefits, eligibility requirements, application process and how to navigate through e-benefits and va.gov. As a service member, you have earned a vast amount of VA Benefits for your service to our great nation. It is important to have a clear understanding of how to obtain and utilize each and every one of them. It is also important to learn to navigate your e-benefits account and va.gov in order to apply for and manage your benefits.
Click here for more information regarding the VA.
Casualty Survivor Benefits Program
The Casualty Survivor Benefits Program (SBP) provides dignified and compassionate notification and assistance to family members and other designated individuals, as promptly as possible after member’s casualty status is determined.
Call or visit the M&FRC for more information: 318.456.2212 and 318.456.6450
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Resources for Federal Voting Assistance
Federal Voting Assistance
AFPC Voting
Voting Assistance
Absentee voting Video
Update your information Video
Volunteer Resource Program
The Volunteer Resource Program is a base-wide program offering volunteer opportunities around the base and in the local community in a variety of professional settings. The Volunteer Resource Program Manager at the Military & Family Readiness Center collaborates with on-base and off-base agencies to recruit, place and recognize volunteer service.
Agencies with opportunities on base include the Military & Family Readiness Center, Airman’s Attic, American Red Cross, Chapel, Child Development Center, 8 AF Museum, Spouses Group, Medical Services, Retiree Affairs, and the Youth Center. Free childcare may be available if you volunteer at a qualified, on-base agency.
For more information contact the Barksdale Military & Family Readiness Center at 318.456.8400.
You can also find volunteer opportunities on the AF Connect App in the event section using your mobile devices.